Friday, October 18, 2019

Beam Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Beam Theory - Assignment Example Beams are often characterized by their profile, material and length. Contemporarily, beams are made of reinforced concrete, steel, cased fluid, wood or composites in a typical construction. Some of the most common beams include wide flange beam and I-beam. These are used commonly in building steel frames and bridges. Other types of beams include pipe, C-channel, angle and hollow structural section1. This paper therefore seeks to discuss the beam theory, its document design, performance and constraints involved. Statement of problem Due to the need of a comprehensive explanation of the physics of beams as well as the intense space charge an explanation of the accelerator systems requiring adequate intensity in which mutual interaction of particles in the beam cannot be neglected, this paper is important as it is aimed to give a discussion of all these elements involved in the beam theory. There is also a need to provide a wider overview of beam dynamics. The paper will put emphasis on the analytical and theoretical methods that describe the transport and acceleration of beams. There is also a need to cover aspects of experimental and numerical methods in order to bring familiarity with the basic methods used to understand the longitudinal and transverse evolution of beams. This may enable an intense foundation in designing a practical architecture. Often beams are described in the way of their support. This support restricts rotational and/ or lateral movements in order to satisfy the conditions of stability and to limit deformations to some extent of allowance. In addition, there is need to understand how a simple beam is supported by a roller in one end and a pin in the other. One may also need to understand how a cantilever beam is established. It is the interest of this paper to also explain how an overhanging beam is formed from a support of two points with one or both ends stretched beyond supports. Beams primarily support vertical loads2. Compared to thei r span in the diagrams in engineering, they have a small cross section. Document design Beams are vital class of the structural elements. The major function of constructing structures is to enable support of the space that encloses the elements such as roofs, floors and walls. Beams are often horizontal to support such elements. The behavior of any structure of a building can get complicated; however, sub structures such as horizontal elements that are associated with roofs and floors, and vertical structures identified with the walls can be identified. The horizontal elements include space frames; trusses, beams and slabs, and the vertical elements include walls, columns and lift cores3. The external bonding of reinforced strips of fiber plastic and reinforced concrete beams are broadly accepted as an effective and efficient method for upgrading and strengthening members. A growth in the exponential research has been observed due to the attention paid to the strengthening area of s tructures through reinforced strips of fiber plastic. The objective of the study is to enhance mechanical performance of the reinforced concrete. In order to prove the results of the research, the method of the finite element will be used to analyze the principal of inter-laminar, distribution of the normal stress and shear along the reinforced strips of fiber plastic and concrete4. Performance requirement The performance requirement of beams and engineering structures are more ambitious.

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